Good Morning and Happy Sunday! With the sun shining brightly in the pale blue sky today you couldn't tell that Mother Nature loves her pranks. Yes, we had snow again Friday night. Not enough to be crazy or to cause damage to the budding trees but enough to make my daughters groan. I found in amusing and beautiful. As I told Daddy many years ago when we were caught with an unexpected snowstorm in September, "I can control many things, but there is nothing I can do about the weather."
What did we do this week? Serra successfully played in two band festivals. The State concert band festival for her band was on Tuesday and they received a Superior with distinction ranking, the highest mark possible. Friday she spent the day at the UNC jazz festival and learned that people and narrow corridors are difficult to navigate with a large baritone sax in tow. The mob might be looking for her help with the knees she took out! Only five weeks remaining for the semester which means year end concerts are up next.
Amanda has turned us into a hockey house with the Stanley Cup playoffs happening. She became a New York Islander fan at college, and they squeaked their way in. Currently they are down in their series 2-1 with the Canes and the next game is happening this morning. Waffles and a wakeup call have been requested.
In a bit of the calm before the storm for work at the moment. Fall processes will start up soon with a photo shoot for Spin Off and files to review for PieceWork. In the hopes of building my editing skills I am reading The Editor's Companion by Steve Dunham. I came into the craft publishing industry from the side of the contributor and the book is getting me to see things from the editor's view, which is very helpful.
Crafts have finally seen the finish of the giant Sith Lord robe. I am still not happy with how the hood came out, but I don't think Serra is going to let me have it back to change it a third time. She is happy with it, so I will let it go. A few more rows on a long sash and the project will be complete. I calculated the yardage it took, and it comes in at 5,280! Spinning saw the finish of the shredded carrot color of my Merino rolags.

I let the spun fiber rest for a day and have it halfway plied. The next color is an orange-yellow. Friday saw the finish of a Learn to Knit class at the new location of The Loopy Ewe. The next class schedule is available now and I will be working on a new sample for a class in the fall.
For a week that started out fairly blue and miserable, it finished bright and strong. Two things that I know about myself, I over analyze situations, and I am a bit of a control freak. Friends that have been with me for years would laugh and say, "a bit?!" Yeah, I know more than a bit. It happens to be one of the things I am working on. Just like the weather, I can only control so much, namely myself and my own decisions. This week has been a lesson in living from the heart vs my brain kicking in and overthinking. Started doing that last night and had to shut it down. So, I am learning to let go and in doing so somehow, I feel stronger and more secure than before. This is a good space to be in for a spell.
Next week! A return to routine to finish off April along with a trip to book and sports to follow. Breathe, feel, shine, Love, take care of YOU and I'll be back next week :)
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