Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Looking outside and feeling the temperatures this last week, the average person would say that spring has arrived in Northern Colorado. I've been here too long to do that. Temps in the sixties is highly unusual for February, and I am still waiting for the spring break snowstorm in mid-March. I will admit, it felt great to wear a tank top yesterday and enjoy the sun. What have we been up to lately? Serra had a busy week of helping friends with essays and studying for midterms. While she loves her friends, she also has desperately needed some peace and quiet. She is getting that this week as spring break is here and everyone has...
Good Morning and Happy Sunday! The sun is shining and the sky is a bright blue outside the patio door today. I hope it stays that way. With the wild swings in temperatures lately, you never quite know what is going to happen. Getting to writing a little slower than expected as I took the time to start a loaf of bread and extra time in bed to relax. What did we do this week? Serra, twenty credits and all, is amazing. She did outstanding on that pile of exams and quizzes and has all of her current homework finished through Wednesday of next week. It sounds like she has had a relaxing weekend of tea, poke, and Minecraft. I...
Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Awake a bit earlier than usual today for no other reason than I woke up. The world outside is very white after yesterday's snowstorm. There's only a couple of inches on the ground, however the storm started as rain which is always fun as it freezes under the falling snow. It was a slow sloppy mess and made me very glad to only be five miles from the yarn store! There was an absolutely gorgeous Snow Full Moon Thursday morning. What have we been up to this week? Serra and her generous spirit tried her best to tutor friends for the Calc exam. While she did well, they did not. She had three other...
Good Morning and Happy Sunday! The weather has been all over the place to kick off February. Nothing like 40 degrees swings of temperature from night to day and unexpected storms that turn sidewalks into skating rinks. I would like to think spring is on the way. Trouble is every time it has been this mild, spring break has become a winter wonderland. I guess we'll see what March brings. What have we been up to this week? Some wonderful winter weather made its way to Serra in the form of freezing rain. Campus did not open until noon on Thursday taking out her Chem lab. The professor is still trying to find a time for them to make it...
Good Morning and Happy Sunday! The sky is a pale wintry blue outside the patio door so far today. Last week's snow is slowly melting away and I wonder what that silly Pennsylvania rodent is going to say about spring's arrival. Considering it was almost sixty degrees a few days ago, it's hard to believe it could still be winter for a while. What have we been up to this week? Serra tried to be very quiet about her birthday and not share it with her friends. Her RA and roommate had other ideas. They decorated the door, got her favorite green tea, a manatee t-shirt and surprised her with a cake for the occasion. Efforts that made me very...