Good Morning and Happy Sunday! The colors are changing here in my little corner of the Fort. The first round of chicken pot pie soup was a success and fall is here with the lower temperatures at night. Summer is trying its best to hold on to the day and I can attest to this with my wonderful sunburn from yesterday's market! Before you ask, I did remember the sunscreen and the bright rays still managed to get through to my pale skin.
What trouble did we stir up this week? Fossil Ridge celebrated Homecoming and Serra got to play in her first pep band gig as a high school student. I am extremely grateful to the new directors that took over at the beginning of 2019 and how they changed the program. During Amanda's time to be a part of the band you were required to march. The directors of the program now have changed this making Marching a club and simply requiring a two game pep band commitment for those enrolled in band classes. While Serra enjoys the pageantry of Marching, Concert, Pep and Jazz align much more with her temperament.
Amanda is gearing up for Hockey season along with having a great time teaching at RPI. She had her first light bulb moment from a student this week when the lesson clicked, which to me is the best part of teaching. She also attended an online event with the University of Rochester that has her extremely interested in their Master's program. It sounds like it is very hands on with clinical rotations and career oriented classes. Creating and building devices for those that need help is exactly what she is wants to do in the field of Biomedical Engineering.
Crafts this week have both Rapunzel and Flynn close to the end of their current warps along with finishing up another ounce on my Diamond colorway fiber from Greenwood Fiberworks.

One ounce to go! I plan to get the most out of this by plying it with 120/2 silk from Treenway Silks.
As for sunburn Saturday I was out at Intersect Brewing for their Fall Makers Market.

After a rough start for me with searching for an adapter at three locations in town, people started coming around after one and it turned into a good day. I am glad Rapunzel and Flynn have been working hard because stock is low and the next event is Friday November 26 and Saturday November 27 at the Fort Collins Artisan Market.
As for me, it was a busy week! Work saw the wrap up of the SOAR retreat and work on upcoming issues. I had some time at the looms and picked up some yarn for a sub call that's coming up. The last two I sent out didn't get chosen but I might write the ideas up anyway. Personally I don't know that I have the words to describe this past week. Happy certainly comes to mind but this is different. It's one thing to be happy for someone or happy when you're with someone. It's completely different to feel that just for you, inside yourself. I don't know that I've ever felt this peaceful on the path before. I've always pushed to make things change or move wanting momentum. There have been moments that I've wanted to stop and savor that instant but never a large stretch where everything slows down and says "yes, this is where you are meant to be." This week has been that. It is tremendous and feels amazing.
Next week! Work, craft, two knitting lessons to teach, a chemistry class field trip and more of this space to soak in. Breathe, feel, take care of YOU and I'll be back next week ;)
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