Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Let's see, blue sky, bright sun, green it really spring? It's NoCo so who knows especially after the spring snow we had this week. Hopefully the weather is going to start behaving as rain instead of snow and not hurt the lilacs trying to bloom around town.
What did we do this last week?! It was a big one. Serra had a very easy week as the district held its round of state tests. One good thing that Fossil does is the kids take the college entrance exams. Freshmen and Sophomores take the PSAT and Juniors the SAT which they can go ahead and report on their college applications. As for other parts of it they were not organized this year starting an hour late and class time for those two days is worthless. She also got a four day weekend out of it somehow. Amanda spilled the beans Friday night telling that she enjoys her little blurbs here so Hi Kid. I figure she is one of a handful that pops in so if you are still reading this, thank you. Not only has she accepted a position as a Calculus mentor for the fall she has also applied for a Bridge Scholar position for the summer. If she gets one of the positions she will be a tutor for the summer intensive course that some kids have to complete to be fully accepted to the school.

As for crafts this week a lot more was going on than I realized. Knitcrate added the pattern that I wrote for them to the Ravelry library. It did not get the press that they normally do as they are having big issues with shipping and being behind on crates. Paper Lantern Legwarmers was supposed to be the April knit pattern.

I wound, threaded and wove a complete scarf this week with Susan.

I never realized before how much color there is in some of my favorite books and I have a totally new outlet to explore for color. There is also an experiment drying that I hope to have on Rapunzel this week that should be the precursor to a series for the fall.
The big reveal of the week however is the opening of the Masks exhibit at the Fort Collins Museum of Art. I can finally share my piece!

The silk is 60/2 that I purchased from Redfish Dyeworks in 24 different shades woven at 60 threads per inch. The mask is on display through June 20th and up for auction. One of the cool things with the pieces is the inclusion of a QR code at the display that you can scan and learn more about the artist. For mine there is a video of the weaving process and here is the link for you: Katrina King. Like I said a lot going on this past week!
As for me it was a good week. A big chunk of memories came rising up from a while ago that were expected but still surprised me with how vivid they are. If I were to ever go back into neuroscience I would study the relationship between hormones, neurotransmitters produced with different emotions and memory creation. I find it fascinating how events with little emotion attached are easily forgotten but how some that are charged are everlasting and you feel as if you could walk right back into them.
This week! Brick-a-brack to finish up. Lots of little bits including some pattern writing, Flynn's current piece along with the last bit of Max's black silk, continued progress on a Kushiel's pattern and getting the experiment on Rapunzel. Breathe, smile, take care of you and I'll be back next week :)
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