Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Quiet in my little corner of the Fort, especially since I turned off the carpet fans that were running all night. Yes, I had the joy of another dishwasher leak that again got the carpet as well as waking to Kitchen Lake Thursday morning. Thankfully it was an easy fix and the fans will be leaving Monday.
What have we been up to this week? Serra has been enjoying time off with Animal Crossing, Sharkfest on Nat Geo and popsicles, lots and lots of popsicles. Amanda completed training with the professors for the Bridge Scholars program this week. Live class time and working with the students runs for the next two weeks with an additional four weeks of office hours for the students to finish the course after that. Good thing she enjoys Calculus!
Crafts this week saw both the completion of the Lilacs series on Rapunzel and the yet to be named blue series on Susan that I didn't even take photos of! I did find a shot of the colors on the warp board.

Glad to see the finishing pile grow with the Art in the Park event coming in August. As for other events Dandelions and Rust will be a part of the Downtown Summer Sales in Old Town this coming weekend.

Rapunzel and Susan have swapped places and I created an original pattern for the next series that she will be working on.
Another project that got started was some new spinning. I know, you're thinking "don't you have enough things going already?!" Yes and no. Sometimes you just need a break and different rhythm so it's good to mix things up a bit.

This is my family of Russian spindles from The Spanish Peacock and a braid of limited dyed Diamond from Greenwood Fiberworks. I am about halfway through the first ounce of fiber and plan to ply it with 120/2 silk from Treenway Silks. Hoping to have plenty of laceweight yardage for a shawl.
It's funny how Saturday nights I go to bed thinking "what on earth am I going to talk about tomorrow morning?" and then I wake up and remember so much stuff! Life is slowing returning to some degree of connection. On that note I remembered The Loopy Ewe is offering lessons again and I just happen to be one of the instructors. They are also in the process of creating a class schedule for the fall so if there is something you are interested in learning keep an eye out or connect with the store to set something up.
The week itself had its own energy, some low, some high. A bit of self care with a haircut that I'm still trying to get used to, some gaming, the Black Widow movie and unexpectedly gaining some resolve to keep fighting for the future. A sad day thrown into the bunch doesn't mean that I'm giving up, been traveling too long for that. It does is remind me again of what I am fighting for. Queen's I Want It All popped into my head and it's true I do. Time is what it's going to take. Patience, as much as I don't like it at times, needs to be added to my list of Hope, Faith and Trust.
This week! Tired of me talking about weaving yet? Going to try to get through two more series this week and I will remember to take pictures. Breathe, create, take care of YOU and I'll be back next week ;)
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