A time warp

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! It is cold, crisp and bright blue in my little corner of the Fort today. I know that it is wintertime, but it is good to see the sun after the week of grey skies. I am glad we are past the solstice and getting more light. 
What did we do this week? With the holiday, ice storm and a stomach bug for Serra we stayed put. A lot of ginger in the forms of tea and ale along with soup and she was back to her usual self on Saturday. I imagine talking with big sis helped on Friday night as well. Today will be spent catching up on the three days she missed as there is no time to do it during this week.
Amanda made it back to campus with no issues. The storm that weather forecasters and media were freaking out about amounted to a very unimpressive five inches. She is ready to stretch her legs with in-person classes beginning tomorrow. Four classes, tutoring Calculus 2 and being a cell bio lab assistant will keep her busy this semester. 
Crafts this week saw a lot of time spinning. 
I started the Opal colorway from Greenwood Fiberworks. This blend is 50% yak, 50% silk. At first, I wasn't too sure about the colors but it is coming out great. My plan is to dye some of my 120/2 silk black to ply it with. It will then mirror the Diamond colorway that I spun previously. I am thinking half circle shawls for the two of them, kind of a yin yang effect. 
This month saw the finish of the Birthstone series as they started it in February last year.
I also indulged in some undyed fiber. 
This is 60% merino, 20% camel and 20% silk also from Greenwood. PieceWork released an amazing Orenburg inspired shawl pattern this last week and my craziness said spin the yarn for it! It will be a while but I'm excited about it. After this splurge and an earlier order that will be coming from the UK I am decidedly on a fiber diet!
This week was a bit of a time warp; it felt extremely long and full of frantic energy. That frenetic pace got out of control, and I need to learn to slow down on everything. Quality over quantity and Steve Rogers constantly asking, "is this a test?" are the tools I'm using to find the correct pace to function at. Life is in the journey and the time you spend there not the destination. 
Next week! Finding the proper pace and marking things off the list with hopefully some quiet time in there as well. Breathe, stretch, dream, take care of YOU and I'll be back next week ;)

1 comment

  • Jesse Epstein

    I love reading your posts, Katrina. They always cause me to think about my mom and that’s a beautiful thing. I wish you could have met her as you two would have had a lot to talk about. – Jesse

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