Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Fall is settling in nicely to my little corner of the Fort with the change in colors and cooler temperatures. It makes sleeping in much easier, even if Amanda doesn't think staying in bed until 7 am is late enough! I guess that's what happens when you're up at 5 during the week.
What were we up to this week? October is cruising along and tends to feel like one of the fastest months of the year to flow by. Serra had a Chemistry field trip at CSU where they got to tour some of the labs and do an experiment themselves. Yesterday saw her bang out an essay for English in the usual last minute style. This coming week is the last one of the quarter and is busy with all things band, a concert, an audition for jazz to record and a football game.
Amanda received the hockey gear she ordered just in time for opening night this week and might have a thing for blue as the Cubbie shade and the Islander shade are almost identical. A couple of classes are giving her a tough time but she's powering through them especially considering one is prerequisite for what she wants to take next semester. It sounds like she is missing Colorado sunsets and as always her Mexican food.
As for crafts this week Rapunzel and Flynn are now naked! I was able to finish up their two handdyed warp runs.

Japanese Maples and the yet to be renamed pink to purple gradient will be finished up for the November show. I'm also hoping to get some silk floorsweeper styles ready in time along with a new demo pattern for Flynn to show off with and creating indoor display racks. Things with Long Thread are going great as I have been approved for more hours. Now many would think isn't this going to take away from creating? No not really, what it does for me at least is make me more aware of the time I have and to use it more productively.
As for me it was a good week with a few minor blips on the radar. One of the biggest things I'm adjusting to is being happy. I was reminded of this portion of monologue from The Matrix: "Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from." Do we truly define ourselves by our misery? The evening news is always filled with crime and what is going bad and my own past was spent in anticipation of the next crisis to recover from. Is this "programming" why being happy feels so foreign and is difficult to adjust to? In a way this was proven this week with the Facebook news of how anger creates a stronger response creating more ad clicking. Just because an emotion is easier to feel it doesn't mean that it's the right one. I know that sometimes my constant cautious optimist outlook on the world can be sickening at times but I also know that life is short and I want to enjoy every minute that I have of it.
This week! I know it is only the middle of October but the month feels like it is over already. There's writing to do, craft to work on and explore along with much music to enjoy. Breathe, look for the bright side of your own life, take care of YOU and I'll be back next week ;)
I love your optimism! I am that way, too. I see the evil in the world but do not fear it. I knit and crochet and spin and want to learn weaving. Have Shetland Sheep, Angora goats, and Angora in search if the perfect “slow knitting” experience. I’m in NC. Wife and mother. 64 years young tomorrow!
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