Back in the saddle again

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Outside looks grey and overcast in my little corner today. Inside however my storm clouds from this last week have parted and it might be a bit weak but I can see the sun again.
What did we do this week? Serra spent part of it resting with her knee. She went back to school on Thursday after spending Wednesday catching up the work she missed and the knee is doing great. Still a little bit of procedure pain but I think it solved the catching and locking that she was experiencing. Follow up on Thursday to double check everything and see if PT is needed. 
Amanda is through her second week of classes and realizing just how different she is from some students as she wants to be there and it's very obvious that others don't. Her advanced calculus professor is amazing and physics II is evil but a weed out course that has to be dealt with. She's learned that some things in life can't be taught, only experienced and what you take from the experience is the lesson. Pretty amazing for 19 if you ask me.
As for crafts, I opened up the studio again! Rapunzel and Flynn are in the middle of pieces and Susan has a warp waiting. With three shows coming up this fall it's time to get making!
This is what Rapunzel is currently working on. Hand-dyed tencel that runs from purple to red and back again. After I get through the remaining dyed warps from this summer I'm going to do some silk floorsweepers. No they are not brooms rather an affectionate title given to my very long scarves by a dear friend. As for the shows! I will be at Intersect Brewing October 2nd, The Fort Collins Artisan Market November 26th and 27th, and Dandelions & Rust for First Friday Art Walk December 3rd. 
As for me the week had a few unexpected bumps that muddied the waters for a bit. Now things are calm again and I know I'll make it down the path. I'm enjoying the new job and hope that in the coming months it continues to grow and solidify. Not so much patience rather knowing that I can handle what ever life throws at me and that everything happens in it's own time.
Next week! Crafts, appointments, writing, meetings and today football is back! For the moment I'm simply going to enjoy the little rain that has started out my back door. Breathe, believe, take care of YOU and I'll be back next week ;)

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