Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Have to agree with Amanda on enjoying the quiet of the morning. Watched the sunrise and spent some time texting with her already today. Bonus of the time differential, I get to do both. The calendar has shifted to September. I know it's not the new year, or the beginning of a season, however September has always brought me a sense of renewal. I don't know if it is the drift into fall or the fact that I have followed school routines for the vast majority of my life.
Serra had a quiet week of school and still has yet to have any homework. She has been filling the time with languages, reviewing her French for next semester and learning Russian on Duolingo. I hear that the little owl is rather demanding. The AP Bio exam on Friday went well and college applications are simply waiting on letters of rec. She stretched her wheels a bit driving to various places on her own, including to a friend's house for a sleepover. It is a joy to see her personality and watch her confidence grow.
I was trying to remember what went on at work this week when I just realized I was at a photo shoot for two days of it! It feels like it was a couple of weeks ago instead of only days. Did a little bit more on this one with taking care of the location, keeping an eye on Fifi the resident cat and ordering lunch for the crew. I also took the lead on a couple of the shots. Skills list keeps growing, I hope it comes in handy someday. This week holds a surprise reshoot along with getting Winter off to press.

From left to right Frabjous Fibers BFL/Silk that I chain plied, two skeins of Camel/Silk from Greenwood Fiberworks plied with 120/2 silk from Redfish Dyeworks, and a mixed art skein from the Spin Off Fall 2023 photo shoot. I have three spindle projects still going and want to start something else on a wheel again. Not sure what because I would like to spin something with a purpose this time. Kim McKenna's article in the issue is calling my name a bit with a braid I have. Perhaps that is the way to go.
Week started off with a bit of nerves with the photo shoot. It went better than I was expecting. The rest of the week was rather quiet. I've been working to stay in the moment and not press too hard on the gas pedal of the future. Took some of the solo time I had this weekend to create some goals and things to work on over the next year that I hope will become foundation stones. Yes, there are times that you have to think about the future and create a map to get to where you want to be. The effort you put in on the little things every day are what get you there. Without the map you're just doing, taking care of what is on fire the most, drifting. Having landmarks along the way ensures the little things become the big things you want to have happen. Totally just realized this is Amber mindset. Guess I know what needs to be read again!
This week! More of the same with the little bits of different. Classes for the girls, reshoots and bluelines for me. Breathe, smile, laugh, heal, build, Love, take care of YOU and I'll be back next week :)
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