Competition and Connection

Good morning and Happy Sunday! Scarves are drying and projects for April and May are getting finished which makes me feel good. Next up is creating a plan to get life rolling, but first some of yesterday and how today is not a normal Sunday here.
Yesterday Serra participated in the State tournament for Science Olympiad. While she personally was not happy with her individual scores she did place in the top ten in all three of her events. Also her team at Preston placed 3rd!
Another Preston team took 1st place and will represent the state of Colorado at the National competition in New York in June. I'm very happy that Serra wants to participate again next year as this has been a great experience for her.
Now on to why today is not a normal Sunday. Sunday around here is normally a rest day. The girls take care of homework and get ready for the week and I work on my Tapestry and watch sports. A quiet day at home to recover from the week before and prepare for the week ahead. Today however we are going to see Endgame. 
I think that films we see as kids always stick with us. I was a still am a huge original Star Trek fan. Sometimes when I need a inspiration for myself or simply a smile I go back to those films. How the characters reacted to a situation, different quotes that give me hope, they have influenced me and continue to do so. The Marvel films are that way for my girls and also a connection to them. We remember bits that were my husband's favorites along with quoting lines at each other to play guess the movie. Doctor Strange holds a unique place in my heart. Over Thanksgiving break just after my husband's passing, Amanda's girlfriend Alex invited her to go see the film. What Amanda didn't know until she got to the theatre is that the entire Trombone section was there to give her love and support. The characters each have different strengths and weaknesses that you can see in yourself and grow with as they all have through the films. 
So on that note it is time to make the Captain America Waffles and get to the theatre!
I hope that you have a great Sunday and remember if you see Endgame don't spoil it! See you next week with more creativity :)

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