Good morning and Happy Sunday! My little corner of the Fort is bright and sunny so far today and I am loving all of the green I see. My tree friend out front has declared that spring is here has sprouted tiny leaves all over. I even got to sleep with the window open last night without freezing myself out. Maybe a few more weeks will see the lilacs around town return.
What did we do this week? It is more of the same with a bit of a different flavor for Amanda. It is the final push to the end of the year and the final push to the end of the degree. Capstone is still a bear as two of her group have completely bailed and there is still work to be done on it for the showcase presentation. In some ways it's good because Amanda was going to take it over anyway however having two people ride your coattails to graduation is never ideal. Thankfully the two professors running the class have seen it the entire semester.
Serra got caught up on Monday and made it to the entire week of school. Appropriate considering next week is only a four-day week and two days are testing that seniors are not involved in. She is looking forward to Friday as she gets to go to the UNC Jazz Festival all day. We have the senior meeting Monday to take the class photo and pick up her regalia.
I had a busy one with a two-day photo shoot and lots of meetings that were rescheduled because of it. The newest issue of PieceWork was released and all of the knitting I was doing can be seen in it with a pattern! I created an Orenburg shawl which is one of my favorite styles to knit. This week also saw a visit to one of my favorite shops, Greenwood Fiberworks. She was in town at an event, and I picked up fiber for my next work project. It's so squishy!
With so much going on, crafts were rather quiet this week. Roy and I relaxed with some spinning. I finished one hexie for my massive blanket and played with my inkle loom.

I initially strung it up to try a technique for an article this week, couldn't see what I was doing for a pattern on it and need some handspun added to it. Since I didn't want to waste the cotton, I got some good practice in and wove the band anyway.

Don't know what I am going to do with it and my selvedges while good, still need work. It was a fun distraction. I also spent all of Saturday with one of my cross-stitch patterns to help decompress from the week.
As for me, it was a good week even with as full of people as it was. I didn't realize before how much I enjoy my quiet and solitude. I guess we will see if that is still the case when I am running solo. I have a bit of a plan for that as I will be back to the gym this fall. Going now I would push, and I have two very important events that cannot be missed by blowing my ankle. Instead, I am going to concentrate on other things I can do to continue growing.
Next week! More of the same for Amanda, a light one on for Serra and a quieter one for me. Breathe, smile, feel, Love, soak in the sunshine and I'll be back next week :)
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