Again another month has passed in the blink of an eye. Some days drip by like the sands in an hourglass and others fly around the track faster than you can think. The calendar turned to August and the first five days have already been full of band camp, a first concert and a treasured traditional trip to the ball park.
Today I got to spend time with Lori of Cowgirl Yarn in Laramie, Wyoming as part of the Hot August Knits Yarn Crawl. For those of you that don't know, a yarn crawl is just like a pub crawl. You travel around to local area yarn shops tasting all of the different offerings of cashmere, merino, silk and more. As the local carrier of Jaggerspun, a yarn that I have used in some of my designs, they invited me to hang out for part of the day with my pieces.
Yes, that's me with Lilacs and Rain, Compass Rose and both versions (color and black and white) of the Doctor Who inspired scarves. Cowgirl has an amazing selection of color in the Zephyr lace right now:
I had a great time and yes some of this did come home with me!!
What struck me on the drive home was an overwhelming sense of you were wondering when I would get back to the title of this post. Life may not be perfect but right now it's good and it makes me thankful. Some to my husband, his motto of "hope for the best, plan for the worst" has allowed me to continue to be here for my girls, to be able to take care of them in the best way I know how, which is with time. I get to see the light in one's eyes at her excitement of a new marching season and I get to have some of the most interesting conversations with my little one, that range from medicine, the nature of sharks, to death and the afterlife. Some to my lovelies, my crafty community that are walking a similar path to my own, of wanting and needing a creative life yet still trying somehow to get it to be prosperous as well. Some to my inner circle, who have stuck by me for so long and through so much, believing in me; knowing that I can do this, especially on the days when I don't think I can or try to rush the future.
As for those business type things....for locals to the Fort, I will be at the French Nest Market on Saturday September 16th with my handmade pieces. Later on this month I will be able to share a new pattern through Yarn Crush as part of their August 2017 box. Be on the lookout for PIecework's Sept/Oct issue for a new one there as well. I'm still going to get a pattern published a month and will start that in September.
Gratitude is something to be shared every day in the little things we do, from a good morning text to a kiss on the forehead saying good night, not just the fourth Thursday of November :)
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