Good Morning and Happy Sunday! So far, the new year has started off a bit indulgent as I have stayed in bed late both days of the weekend. Serra tells me it's good because I am still getting over the bit of cold that I had with the holiday. Maybe it's me finally learning to relax.
What did we do this first week of 2024? Amanda traveled back to campus in time for the RA refresher training days and before the 'massive' storm that was supposed to hit the area. I'm told she has three inches of snow so far today and that it is not a bad storm at all. In fact, she is out shopping this morning to prepare for the semester.
Serra has been enjoying the last week of break with plenty of her homemade soup, Minecraft, and her corner experiments. I think she has enjoyed recharging her batteries with having a great deal of quiet time. Classes start back for her on Tuesday with a jazz audition Wednesday afternoon. She gets a new slate of classes including one of our favorite teachers for French.
Slow start to the week for work with trying to get back into the swing of things. I have swatches to finish for a web post along with meetings Monday to get moving again.
Crafts were fun over limbo week. I did not get as much done on the tapestry as I wanted with not feeling well but I did have fun with doing my nine days of crafting on social media. Crazy thing is nine days wasn't enough to show all of the different crafts I have dabbled in! I finished the star shawl that I have been knitting.

The ends need to be woven in and I might go ahead and write it up as a pattern considering how much fun it was to knit. I pulled out my combs yesterday and prepared some paco vicuña fiber.

This is two ounces of fiber that I purchased years ago at the Estes Wool Market. The box is the prime combed fiber that I will spindle spin and probably ply with my 120/2 silk from Treenway Silks. The pile is the 'waste' fiber that is very short bits that I will card and spin as well. One thing to remember working with your combs is to be careful when you cheer for your football team's touchdown with them in your hands!
As for me it has been a softer slide into 2024 that I was initially planning. Getting sick at the turn of the calendar was not ideal. However, I think it has been a good thing. It has reminded me to rest and that everything will happen in its own time. It doesn't mean that I'm still not going to push myself to plan and learn new things. Rather to also create space for recovery as well and to not feel bad about taking the time for it.
Next week! The year begins in earnest with classes Monday for Amanda and Tuesday for Serra. Meetings and documents to prepare for work and finishing up some samples for more classes at Loopy for me. Breathe, feel, enjoy, be, grow, Love, experience the world around you and I'll be back next week :)
Being reminded by the Universe to take time to rest, recharge, and revitalize is important! Fiber therapy is a great way to do it.
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