Lots of little things

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Outside my window, summer is in full swing with a bright sun already today. Of course, I love this when I awake up to rainbows in my room. Hopefully it won't get too crazy hot out there.
What have we been up to this week? Lots of little things. A visit to the doctor resolved a week-long headache that was not finding any relief. We sorted out some media materials and got them sent off to resell outlets. Not much money made but I am glad of finishing an item on the to-do list and extra items being gone. Next will be tackling some things for eBay. Information on Amanda's graduate program trickles in daily and I think we are on track. Serra's college is absolutely amazing. She was unable to attend an orientation day this month and received a package yesterday with everything from that day, including a t-shirt. Planning for both trips has begun with the purchase of plane tickets, rental cars and hotels are next. 
Work is steady with a few changes coming that will be sorted out over the next couple of months. Nothing major for me I think, even though I always panic about it. The latest copy of Little Looms is now available, and I was very happy with the shoot on this one. Short week coming up with the holiday and I need to finish seaming a project for PieceWork.
Crafts saw a good chunk of knitting happening. I taught a couple of lessons at The Loopy Ewe, finished three hexies, and made great progress on my Little Squirrel mitts.
Looks like I will have two patterns to write and release this week. Little Squirrel also had the July yarn available when I was in the shop last week and I couldn't resist.
Fireworks Finale! 
It is also Tour De Fleece time and since I cannot treadle two of my three wheels, I chose to start a spindle project for the duration of the race.
This is the first batt of a gradient set of five that I purchased a few years ago from Fellview Fibres. It is a blend of Bluefaced Leicester and various types of silk. My goal for the challenge is to get all five batts spun. Plying will come later when I have both feet again.
As for me it's been a normal week with a few bumps along the way. Getting rid of the headache was a big help. I am driving again which is good considering we have a trip to the airport this week. Work surprises, good or bad, always cause me panic, and I had a day where my ankle simply would not get comfortable in any position. A bunch of little things that like to get under my skin and make me irritable. So, it's a day to take a deep breath and relax as best I can before another round of busy gets started.
This week! A little bit more college prep for Serra and packing and travel for Amanda as her program starts after the holiday. I get a new cast and check on the ankle tomorrow and need to get back to working on things here with writing and releasing two patterns. Breathe, relax, have faith, heal, Love, trust in the path, and I'll be back next week :)

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