Good Morning and Happy Sunday! It's quiet so far in my little corner of the Fort. One of the benefits of waking up early I suppose. I'm just glad I can convince myself to go back to sleep when my body clock goes off at 530 am!
What did we do this week? Serra finally got some relief with her knee. We saw a surgeon that suggested a cortisone shot and had it done on Monday. It took a couple of days to take effect but she is walking normally without pain for the first time in over a year if not longer this week. We will see how long it lasts and find out what the next steps are in August. Amanda spent the week doing and teaching calculus. She has always appreciated her teachers over the years but this has given her a greater understanding of what they are up against at times. She has one more week live with the students and then four weeks of office hour support for them. Rumor has it that she will also be receiving her move in information for the fall next week. Last summer crawled by and this one is flying fast!
As for crafts this week I spent a lot of time weaving. I didn't quite reach my goal of two whole series completed but I did manage one and a half.

I also realized that I should explain what I mean by a series. With my current equipment I can measure out a five yard (fifteen feet) long warp. These are the threads that run vertically on the loom. Once you factor in waste from setting up the loom I can get approximately fourteen feet of product. Even as cool as the fourth Doctor's crazy long scarf is no one that I know of here on Earth wants to wear fourteen feet of a scarf! Instead I create one scarf, one cowl and a new style piece that I'm going to debut at the Art in the Park event. So a series is three pieces that all share the same threading and coloring. Here is the one Rapunzel is working on now.

I measured out warp to correspondence to the threading that I wanted to use and then dyed it in a gradient fashion.

This is the first repeat of the scarf using white for the weft (horizontal threads),

and this is the start of the cowl using a different treadling pattern and green weft. While I am doing much better with creating with intent and specific ideas in mind for pieces there is still a bit of randomness in how they come out. I was not planning on using a green weft for this warp but it felt right and created an entirely different look.
As for me it has been a quiet week. Nothing too out of the ordinary with focusing on getting pieces made for the show. Quiet can be good.
Next week! More weaving! Also tackling the finishing pile as it is getting kind of big. Palisades should be ready in the next couple of weeks and there is a birthday to celebrate as well. Breathe, feel the universe flow in that breath, take care of YOU and I'll be back next week ;)
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