Good Morning and Happy Sunday! The sun is out, the birds are chirping and it's already too hot today. At least it won't get to 100* like it did a couple of weeks ago.
Last week! Serra and I received the newly ordered glasses much sooner than expected. I am very happy that she is wearing hers. As for me you wouldn't think that a .25 change in focus and magnification in a bifocal would make that much difference but it does. Yes I wear bifocals, it doesn't make me old it means I'm blind.
The girls have also fallen into the Diamond Dotz craze. It's the cooler way to cross stitch as you place small plastic gems on a sticky canvas. We'll see how long it takes each of them to complete three canvases. I do have to say that the Starry Night kit Amanda found looks pretty cool.
Crafts this week has seen most of my time spent with Rapunzel and Susan.
Rapunzel is on the third portion of the Lilacs series. With the tiny 60/2 silk it takes about an hour to weave one foot of material.
Susan finished a series that has yet to be named.
She's ready to go again with a similar series in shades of blue and green that will have a silver weft. I currently have 8 more warps wound that I want to have ready for the August event.
As for today being a national holiday, we may be a country that is free from England but there are still many aspects here to be worked on for this to be a free country. Gender, body autonomy, race, love, self expression, all of these are still rights that are being fought for. Everyone has the right to be equal.
As for me it was a good week. The Universe has sent messages this month telling me to stop looking to the past for security. That freedom of time is what I want so it's time to keep pushing forward here. Having that freedom of time gave me an unexpected gift this past week. There was also the reminder of health and taking care of oneself to be here for the long term. None of us know how deep the hourglass is. How does the declaration go? "Pursuit of Happiness"? I hope you find what makes YOU feel happy and free instead of just settling for what you think is right. Find what you want and go for it.
Next week!! More weaving and maybe of bit of spinning thrown in just for me. Breathe, start that pursuit, take care of YOU and I'll be back next week ;)
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