Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Spring time change happening today, and it makes me feel behind even with a do nothing day on tap. Silly I know especially considering I'm on a mini vacation. Mother Nature did remind us of what she has done to past Spring breaks!

Thankfully it was only a little storm and it melted off quickly.
What did we do last week? Amanda had a quiet one, as she was off from classes for Spring break. She made some favorite foods, hung out online with friends and caught up on sleep. She also had the joy of adulting with filing her taxes for the first time ever. Oh, how I wish I had recorded that facetime adventure and edited it down to the priceless moments! Tomorrow begins the final push on her bachelor's degree.
Serra is currently on Spring break after a busy week with CBA concert band regionals, finals, and packing to go to France! After a two-hour delay they made it to London. Their plane landed as their connection to Paris lifted off. Benefit of a large group and booking with a company that handles student trips? They were on a connection an hour later. So far, she is having a great time.
Work was spent catching up from being out on photo shoots, finishing up the summer files for PieceWork, and taking stock of where I am at with all of the things. This week will be a bit slower with taking a couple of days off for myself.
Having just started a project on Rumple, I wanted to work on it some but have found that I can't treadle with a cast on. Instead to satisfy my spinning urge I finished another color on the breakfast spin.

I'll work on getting this one plied before jumping into the next color.

I also taught a couple of knitting lessons and got a few more hexies into the pile. I have no idea what I will do with my extra time this week, however I did do something shocking yesterday. I didn't craft at all! Crazy talk, I know! I'll make up for it today with the Tapestry.
As for me, it was a solid week. A few bumps with all of the things going but it mellowed out in the end. I realized yesterday that it was the first time in fourteen years that I wasn't directly responsible at that immediate moment for someone's safety or well-being. It was oddly overwhelming. Maybe it is the first step in learning how to relax considering all I did yesterday was read a book and watch a movie. As life changes and shifts maybe I can still do all of the things and save room for this new quiet too.
This week! Back to the grind for Amanda, more fun for Serra, and me? A bit of everything as always. Breathe, be, rest, Love, embrace the quiet, and I'll be back next week :)
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