Good Morning and Happy Sunday! It's cold, wet and drizzly in my little corner of the Fort this morning. Something our area needs desperately right now. The wind is still also. Hopefully this will give the crews the help they need to get the fire contained.
What did we do this week besides pray for rain? Serra finished up her first quarter as a freshman in high school. Strangest first quarter ever I'm sure considering it was done at the kitchen table. She made it easy for me by staying top of her work and breezed through with flying colors. Her love of math and science made those classes easy. She adores the new band director that doesn't compare her to anyone else and believe it or not art was her most challenging subject.
I finished up a project for The 100th Sheep. Peggy is now creating gradient dyed fibers and I offered to spin up a sample for her.

This particular colorway is called Straw into Gold. What Peggy doesn't know is that I used a portion of the yarn to knit her a sample and write a pattern also. Hopefully it will be a good surprise for her this week.
One of the best things about creativity is in the different ways that it can be expressed. Two friends are also weavers here in the area. One has just come back to weaving again with getting a new place and inheriting a large loom and another posted a video winding a ten yard warp for a production run of scarves and cowls.

This is my little five yard warping board with 53 wraps in 20/2 silk on it. Each wrap becomes two threads in the weaving. This is half of the entire width that I am planning as I will have 24 threads per inch. I will get at least one scarf and 2-3 cowls out of it depending on what length I decide on for the scarf. Okay Katrina you're rambled on about what? Well what I love about this is that each of the three of us are using the same skills and same tools and come up with very different looking pieces. That's part of the beauty and unique quality of handwork. A portion of the artist goes into every piece that you won't find in machine items.
As for me, work took a bit of a back step this last week. Not knowing where I fit in the whole, needing and wanting to succeed and to be a part of something was a bit too much. I'm not used to the slower pace and have to calm myself down to match it. I'm not going to use the P word it's a matter of changing gears from 4th down to a slow 2nd. One thing I am grateful for is the last two nights sleep! I don't know what triggered it, some writing, sitting and being present maybe, all I know is that it's been a long time since I haven't had to force myself to sleep.
Next week! The district is going to try running hybrid for the second quarter so Serra will have in person classes two days a week. We'll see how long it lasts. Susan is half threaded, Max has warp ready and I have photos and a pattern to write from the piece blocking on the floor right now. Breathe, take care of you and I'll be back next week :)
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