She's done!
So glad to have Cersei finished and off the needles! Doing the fingerweight version in Lambspun prism helped my to meet my self imposed deadline. I'm still working on the laceweight version in Ling from The Unique Sheep but needed more yarn to finish the size that I want.
Until then I will be going Camp Loopy that is :) The Loopy Ewe runs challenges every summer and I've decided to join in. I can't believe that I haven't found them til they came to Fort Fun! The first challenge is to knit a project using 400+ yards of yarn and a pattern from a foreign designer. I will be casting on later for Finland with Perlata Pitsigootti-huivi in Madeline tosh merino light. I'm sure size 6 needles are going to be quite the change from 0's!!
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