Good Morning and Happy Sunday! I know, much earlier than usual. That's what happens when you wake up at 1 am and can't go back to sleep. I even had a hard time going to sleep. It is very interesting to wake up hearing snoring and then realize it was you, as you are the only one in the room. I think I am going to be punchy by the end of the day. I suppose this gives me a good chunk of time to bake some bread this morning.
What did we do this week? Amanda had a good time on Long Island even with the change in their Saturday plans. She also now knows that everyone flies out of JFK on Monday mornings. Her two midterms went well this week. She may not be learning many new things, but she does enjoy the people she is with, so that helps. I'm told January is the time that companies start their jobs postings. Hopefully the career center can be helpful with resume building.
Serra had an eventful week that started with her hand getting smacked by her dorm door. I finally convinced her to get it checked out on campus and they sent her to get x-rays. It is mostly bruised and swollen. Hopefully the x-rays will come back clear, and her treatment of ice and compression will continue to be the way to treat it. Classes are going great for her and registration for next semester is this week.
Lots of little things happening for work. This next week will be spent getting ahead of some items in November as photo shoots are upon us again.
You know a project has been on the wheel for a long time when you don't remember what the other end of the batt looked like! That is what happened with the art batt spin I finished on Roy this week.

Totally forgot it was copper! Yesterday I was undecided on how to ply. Now, I think it is going to receive the Treenway Silks treatment to maintain the color gradient.
I have also been knitting.

I have been teaching the Flax Sweater by Tin Can Knits at Loopy this month and thought Serra might like a version. She chose the yarn, and we took measurements this summer before college. As for more classes, I have dates worked out for next year and need to decide what classes to go where.
As for me, it's been a bumpy week emotionally. Rough sleep at the beginning and stress over this snowball I kicked has made me irritable. I'm not good at relaxing, never have been. It makes empty Saturdays difficult and too much in my head. I'm beginning to understand why it is recommended to not make big decisions after life changing moments. Change is good and an essential part of life. It keeps you growing. What I didn't expect was a grief reaction when I started the ball rolling on these changes. Now that I have acknowledged it, I think it will ease off and a positive shift will happen.
Next week! More of the same; with hopefully more sleep. Breathe, hope, take action, Love, know that you are the creator of your own path, and I'll be back next week :)
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