Good Morning and Happy Sunday! I am moving a little slower today as I rested longer than usual, watching the skies change from a soft lavender pink to our bright Colorado blue. It is good to see a color other than gre even with the storm expected on Wednesday.
What have we been up to this week? As usual, Serra had a full week with jazz and concert band rehearsals. We got in a bit more driving, only three more dark hours to go before she can take her now scheduled driver's test. More of her favorite noodles arrived, and she scored 100% on her AP Psychology neurobiology unit. Her confidence just keeps growing.
Amanda is taking care of the occasional school item for the fall. She has a meeting with her advisor tomorrow to confirm that classes and graduation are in order, along with other questions for him. The RAs on campus scored a win with the administration by negotiating more pay per semester and more coverage of the housing cost which is a win. Yesterday, we had a great time indulging one of our favorite February pastimes, hunting Girl Scouts. With so many troops in town, I prefer to spread the love, purchasing smaller amounts of boxes from several locations. It was also good to see dads involved at a couple of the stops.
I am learning more about the English language than I ever thought possible at work. We are in the first round of proofs on an upcoming issue, and this is my first time being a part of the process. It involves checking style, punctuation, formatting on photo captions, and clarifying that the project or article makes sense. I am having a blast doing it.
As for crafts, I am working on some tatting for an upcoming issue, knitting, and spinning. I am so close to finishing the body of Serra's robe! After that, it will be on to the sleeves. She has decided to cancel the hood portion so I will need to create a different neckline. Spinning saw the finish of one rolag.
I pulled the little turtle off of my Ed Jenkins turkish spindle and am now plying the two ends together to create a mini skein. The orange rolag is up next and I predrafted the fiber.

It looks like a long, shredded carrot!
As for me, the week had its ups and downs. I love my job and all of the things I am learning. There are a few things I disagree with and need to figure out how to let go of. My own emotions have been extremely close to the surface, so I also am feeling things very intensely right now. Something else I noticed over the past few weeks is a shift in the of the feel of time. Days are starting to slow down. I am beginning to feel that there is finally enough time in each of them to do all of the things and not feel rushed or behind. Weeks feel like an eternity. Was the Super Bowl really only last Sunday? It's odd but in a way, welcome. Is this what it feels like to be where I am supposed to be? I don't know. Perhaps this is another of those resting spots on the path.
Next week! Rehearsals, a concert, the new Marvel movie, and a pot of chili to go with the forecasted snowstorm and super cold temperatures! Breathe, rest, dream, be, Love, take care of you and I'll be back next week :)
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