Smooth sailing

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! The colors keep changing and the temperatures keep dropping as we move into fall. We actually had a freeze warning last night and several of my gardener friends were saving the last of their harvest. Last weekend was the full moon, and it was quite the sight on Monday morning.
What did we do this past week? Serra had a short week of classes as it is the end of the first quarter! It doesn't mean it wasn't busy though. Driving practice Monday, band concert Tuesday, and PSAT test early Wednesday makes for a full week. She did not have finals on Thursday and so I let her have an extra day. Saturday, we had more driving practice with taking 287 up to Laramie. She did great with learning passing lanes and driving at a much higher speed than before. Her goal is to have her license by her birthday.
Amanda also had a short week as the university recognized Indigenous Peoples Day on Monday. We made good use of it by getting her financial aid paperwork for her Senior year filled out and turned in. A bit of a sore throat and being extra tired made for a couple of rough days but she is back to her usual self. It doesn't hurt her feelings that hockey season has also started. Especially with how the NL baseball postseason has fallen out.
The week of work was busy with web posts and the release of the latest issue of Handwoven. I have a photo shoot for another issue and more English rules to learn this week. Crafting saw the start of a requested knitting project in bright yellow, finishing of a sample for an ornaments class for the Loopy Ewe, and more fiber combing.
I believe I am halfway through my 400-gram bag of merino and trying very hard not to order more from the vendor! 
As for me the week had its usual rhythm of minor highs and lows. A few things I'm not too sure about at work as I don't know how they will go. Some additional side work with teaching at Loopy and good visits with dear friends balanced things out. No profound revelations or lessons, merely a week of smooth sailing and not worrying that I don't know how the future will unfold. For once, I'm not thinking too hard about it. 
Next week! More of the same I'm afraid. Classes and the beginning of jazz band for Serra, studying and hockey for Amanda, two-day photo shoot and crafting for me. Breathe, savor the moment, smile, imagine, Love, take care of YOU and I'll be back next week :)

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