Good Morning and Happy Sunday! It seems Saturday is my sleep-in day as I was awake at five this morning. I believe fall is finally here. I had to close the windows Friday night and it is downright cold this morning. Does that mean I will turn on the heat? Considering it will get into the seventies today, that is a no. I will however spend the day snuggled in a blanket as I am now.
What did we do this week? Amanda had Monday and Tuesday off from classes for the university fall break. She was a good noodle and used the time to get ahead, study for an exam and prepare for a presentation. There was a bit of ulterior motive behind her productivity as she is spending this weekend away with her friend. It sounds like the presentation went well and that they are having a good time. I imagine they will be sleeping in late today.
Serra is happy for one thing this week; they finally turned the heat on in the dorms. Thursday the area was under a freeze warning and so the boiler system got turned on. She and her friend Sam are thrilled to be warm again while everyone else is complaining about being too hot. Pennsylvania wet cold is much different than Colorado dry. Registration for spring classes should be happening soon.
Work was the happy random of a little bit all over the place and getting summer files prepped. This next week is meeting heavy, and I get to put on my Billy Mays cap to write about products.
I am feeling the finishitis lately and spent my craft time this week plying yarn.

This is the last batt of a collection of Camel/Silk from Greenwood Fiberworks and my Tour de Fleece spin of Bluefaced Leicester/Silk from Fellview Fibres. I have no idea what I will make with them. Twelve empty spindles would normally say time for a new project, but the finishitis will probably have me moving to the art batt on Roy or back to the other spindle project of Paco Vicuna. There's also the hexie blanket, Serra's sweater and weaving finishing that needs done.
As for me, it was a solid week with some hidden gems. A good class on Wednesday, some away time on Friday along with a Mets win, and a social visit with two of my crafting friends on Saturday. Creating and markets are something I want to get back to. Right now, I am happy with where life is. Some of my big thoughts from last week are progressing much faster than I anticipated. Not sure if that is good or bad, so I guess we'll see. One thing I do have to let go of is feeling like I am not good enough. I am worthy of the life I am living because it is mine and no one else's. I need to stop worrying about what I think other people think about it because it truly doesn't matter. I love my life and find it spectacular.
Next week! An early flight for Amanda to get back to class, and more cozy time with the new members of the Warmies family for Serra. Me? Lots of meetings, class and a lesson to teach, and seeing if the snowball I kicked last week starts an avalanche. Breathe, center, expand, Love, embrace the moments, and I'll be back next week :)
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