The Sun

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! It is dark, early and cold in my little corner of the Fort. Waking up at 4 am and being unable to go back to sleep is not how I like to spend Sunday mornings. Simply one of those things that is out of my control, so I try not to fight it too much and enjoy the extra awake hours. One good thing about being up early most days are sights like this.
What did we do this week? Serra finished up classes Thursday and has already been enjoying sleeping in and having more time for Animal Crossing. She has also been helping me get the house ready to host Eve this week. Last night we got to have my delayed birthday sushi dinner.
Amanda has one more final to take care of and will be headed home tomorrow! The university is in a "pseudo quarantine" as she calls it. Finals were changed to online for Friday and Monday and dining halls became takeout only. I believe that it is an overabundance of caution on their part after seeing cases explode at Cornell. Here's to getting our boosters while she's back.
As for crafts this week I spent time teaching, both others and myself! The Loopy Ewe's new class listing is now available. I will be doing lace, short rows, colorwork, socks, fixing mistakes and learn to knit along with being available for private or group lessons. I gave myself a very basic beginning lesson on netting as a reader emailed in asking about it. Here is the post I wrote for PieceWork magazine. I also did some more right-handed crochet samples for an upcoming post and yes, I do love my job.
As for me what can I say about this past week? It had a few bumps and bruises but nothing that got too far under my skin. On the whole, deep in my core it has been a week of unbridled joy. I don't know that I will ever be my exact authentic self as life and living is a state of constant growth. However, I do know that I am closer to that authentic self than I ever have been before, and it is a tremendous feeling.
This week! Amanda comes back tomorrow, work things to take care of before the holiday, Solstice to celebrate, Eve to prepare for and life to keep learning and growing with. Good Morning Sun! I see that you are finally coming over the horizon. Breathe, grow, smile, take care of YOU and I'll be back next week ;)

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