Weather, a pattern and something new

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! As usual a quiet morning here in my little corner of the Fort, even more so today with the snow gently falling. This time last year I was sad and angry with the weather gods for arriving when they did and today I'm grateful. What a difference a year makes right? 
What did we do this week? Serra did great with the hybrid system that our district has set up to have kids back in the classroom. She has been very virus conscientious and I was concerned about her being back with people as she's not a fan of them in the first place. I think the small amount of social interaction did her some while not overwhelming her at the same time. Luckily a few of her friends are in the same grouping as she is so she's not alone. It must have been a long week because Monday feels like it was ages ago! 
I have a new pattern up on the site for you this morning! Ray of Sunshine is now available.
When I saw the Braids of Gradient that The 100th Sheep was creating I offered to spin up a sample for Peggy. She suggested splitting the braid so that each of us would have some. I used a small portion to make a sample skein and the larger portion for the shawlette. If you are not a spinner Promise would also be suitable. Which flows into my next topic! Your Daily Fiber has decided to shift their operations completely online which gives me a good chunk of new colors of my hand dyed yarns to photograph and list here. 
This week I also picked up materials for a special project. I was accepted to create a mask for the Fort Collins Museum of Modern Art exhibit. The Masks exhibit is a fundraiser for them every year. So I get to create something unique that will be on display and for sale next spring. Don't quite know what my concept is going to be or if they've ever had a fiber artist but the freeform nature is part of the fun.
As for me it was a good week. Took some time out for some self-care as I haven't been without the girls since March! Also had some good conversations. I don't know that I'm learning patience but I am relaxing more into the current moment and trying to simply be.
What to work on this week? Pictures and yarn listings as I mentioned along and getting more studio time in. Susan is threaded and warp is wound for Max. Also time for a new knitting project, just don't know what yet. Breathe, take care of you and I'll be back next week :)

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