Eating the elephant

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! This morning I am thankful for sleep. This last week was finally a restful one with sleep coming deep and naturally instead of being a fight as it is most nights. This morning things are looking a little gloomy in my corner of the Fort so far today but ever since seeing Monet's Winter collection I've been looking for different colors in it. Thursday's odd winter spell here made it feel like I was actually driving through one of his paintings and it was beautiful.
So what trouble did I cause last week? Amanda finally got the band patches that she was waiting for so a good chunk of evening time was spent completing her jacket.
She's had quite the band experience! Next week is Serra's first incoming member meeting so that she can see what it's all about. Considering how much a part of things she's already been with her sister I think she has a leg up on the others.
I've also been doing some loom work this week. Max, Flynn and Susan are all dressed or in the middle of projects. You can follow the link to learn more about each of their stories. I also gained a project for Handwoven this week! This makes four magazine issues that I will be published in later this year. I will certainly share the news when each of the issues are published.
What's on tap for this week? It's time to work on submissions. There are several deadlines coming up for different publishers the first week of March and so I will be doing a lot of brainstorming on different ideas that I hope will be of interest for future issues and projects. I also have some of my own to keep up with. I have several pieces that are finished but not written and need to start tackling those as well. This past week wasn't as productive as I might have wanted but time was spent reminding me of what I'm working for, how much I want it and just how much a part of me it is. Patience is a hard thing. I was talking with a friend who wrecked his knee at Christmas and just passed his six week post-op appointment. He's frustrated with his progress even though the doctors are happy with where he is at. We talked about how we always have tons of patience for others in our lives but none for ourselves. Maybe the self-care this week is listening to our personal hopes and dreams and giving them some of that energy. I hope you do something for you this week and enjoy the extra day of February with something fun :) 

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