Inching closer to school and secret projects

Good morning Internetland! I hope that this Sunday is treating you and yours well. The girls have survived their respective band camps finishing out strong with a mini concert and the DCI Championship watch party. Amanda's favorite corp The Bluecoats missed the gold by less than a tenth of a point! And we though State Championship scores were tight.
So what did I do this week? Remember that messy looking black silk on Rapunzel?
I got it all lined up, tied on and started weaving
one repeat
It's 60/2 silk from Redfish Dyeworks in the weft. The left photo is one repeat and measures one inch. Can't quite reveal what this is going to grow up to be just yet as it's a test run and needs some more work after it comes off the loom. Let's just say that I'm excited about the potential behind it.
Susan and I got started on another painted piece for the show in October. I'm hoping to have 5-6 finished for it. Weaving is just the start for these pieces. Sometimes it's very hard to keep them secret but here's a shot that doesn't give much away ;)
Guess you'll just have to come by for Wolverine Farm's opening gala on Friday October 4th. I'll tell you more as we get closer.
As for this next week it's more of everything. The girls get to have a quiet one compared to the last three before school starts and yarn is here to start dyeing for this quarter along with the secret (again!) dye project. Feels good to be productive and hopefully I'm headed in the right direction. Be creative this week and share your heart with those you love :)

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