Good Morning and Happy Sunday! It's Groundhog's Day, Imbolc, Super Bowl Sunday and Palindrome Day all rolled into one, a lot for one Sunday to handle.
Things here this past week have been a bit of a roller coaster. Celebrating Serra's birthday was great along with the news that she and her teammates took first in all three of their events for Science Olympiad at the competition last weekend were some of the highs. The lows? Both girls have been pretty sick this week with a cough currently torturing Amanda. Hopefully another couple days of rest with get her back on her feet. I know it's not severe because she's more upset about being sick than feeling sick, yes she is my daughter.
As for crafty things this last week! The third Monet inspired scarf is off the loom and now in the finishing pile.
The girls and I got to see the painting that inspired the colors at the exhibit. One thing the exhibit is going to get me to do is to pay attention to other art events that come to the area.
The Piecework project is two thirds done which is good considering it's due to the editors next week. I'm also waiting on yarn for a project with Knitcrate for this fall. Hopefully I can keep cultivating connections and continue publishing works.
As for me personally January was a rough one and I'm a little glad it's over. Lots of being too far ahead in my thought process, wanting things that need time too much, and being down on myself with massive thoughts of being a failure. I know I'm not a failure but I also have to believe that I'm not. Some parts of life are speeding by as evidenced by Amanda's college application process but that doesn't mean everything is moving that quickly. As for wanting too much right now? I still do want those things but the only way to get to the right time for them is keep working on myself and the business every day. So that's what I'm going to do.
As for this week, it's a slow one for the girls so I really hope this illness for them gets booted. On the craft level finishing Piecework is number one on the agenda. Getting some photos taken of the pocket silks and getting them in the shop along with planning some new projects for weaving as all four looms are naked right now. I could list more but one way I'm working on me is by not overwhelming myself with a massive to do list. Enjoy your Sunday and here's hoping the big game is worth watching this evening, have a great week :)
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