A bit of this and that

Good Morning and Happy Sunday Internetland! I wanted to get up and actually use the time change well but instead of course slept in. Here's hoping the week is more productive than just extra rest.
How did the week go? Instead of going to Colorado Springs we stayed in during the snowstorm that actually did come, I was rather doubtful after the sunny afternoon we had on Monday. Word came down from the Colorado Bandmasters Association on Saturday that regional competition scores would hold for State making Fossil Ridge back to back champions. Amanda's goal was to win regionals just in case something like this happened but it still feels a little weird. Now I'm actually glad for the Bands of America trip they are going on this weekend.
What crafty news you ask? Currently I'm in the middle of teaching a colorwork class at The Loopy Ewe. We are coming up with classes for the next quarter so if there's anything you want to learn after the new year let me know and maybe we can get it on the calendar there. I'm also happy to set up individual or small group classes if there's a new technique you want to tackle. I have yarn bases ordered to dye some holiday colors for Your Daily Fiber and the fourth quarter colors. Still don't quite know where their inspiration will come from. When I started the year I had the thought of the theme being Light but as I look at how things have progressed its turned into My Favorite Things. So I need to find a couple more things to dye about. Also I was accepted to a Holiday Market on Saturday December 21st! Makerfolk is a new group that has set up shop in Old Town with the Bean Cycle Roasters. Its runs from 9-3 that day and will be great for all of the last minute shoppers.
What's on tap for this week? A bit of self care with a couple of appointments and more time with the looms. I dressed Rapunzel with a new scarf in silk and Flynn is ready for another run of mug rugs for the Market. Still working on the project for me, when you have close to 1600 stitches on the needles it takes longer to get around. Keep dreaming and hoping and have a great week! :)

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