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Another week in the books

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! It's quiet here in my little corner of the Fort so far as everyone is asleep. Guessing that will change quickly as Daddy is headed home and Serra has a day planned out with her friend that I'm sure will turn into a sleepover; they always do. I have been loving the rain and cooler temperatures this week. Turning off the AC and having the windows open to sleep is my favorite. What did we do this week? More of the same for Amanda with viewing surgeries and writing up OR notes. She got to see some good ones this week with a hip replacement and a triceps tendon repair. I am so glad she...

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Good Morning and Happy Sunday! As usual for this time of year, the sun is bright and shiny already today promising another day of heat. No worries for me inside as Daddy came over on Friday and we have had the air conditioning on. According to the forecast, cooler temperatures will be here later in the week, and they can't arrive soon enough. Some rain would be welcome also as the area is dealing with a massive wildfire. I thought we had made it through fire season and August decided to prove me wrong. What have we been up to this week? More of the same for Amanda with OR visits and surgeries to watch. Hopefully the jar of green...

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Brain and body

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! The sun is bright and shiny into my window with the promise of more heat to come this afternoon. I was hoping the bit of thunderstorms we had last night would last for a while, maybe they will be back this afternoon. This time of year also brings a memory from home as it is Palisade Peach Season!  What did we do this week? Amanda had another full week of surgeries to attend. One that was thought to be only a two-hour procedure turned into eight, making for a long Friday. She and two other students are hoping to get over to the orthopedic portion of the hospital to view more types of surgery. The...

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The first step

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! I am slow this morning after an amazing night's sleep. Somehow July has graced my corner of the Fort with May's weather. Rain and cooler nights have made sleep glorious. Serra is snuggled under her heavy weighted blanket and oblivious to everything as she catches up from another 48-hour hangout. What did we do this week? Amanda is attending all of the surgeries that she can and going out with the other students in the program. The Microsoft glitch affected the hospital she is at, and they got to a late start on Friday. Lots of limbs and a day in Pediatrics where she got to see her number one surgery, a cochlear implantation. Serra...

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A beginning and a pattern

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! We're on day three of crazy high temperatures and it looks like they are finally going to start falling tomorrow. Thankfully the lower level of the townhouse stays fairly comfortable as long as I don't open the windows. Upstairs is about fifteen degrees warmer with the windows open. Cold showers and keeping a pile of wet hair on my head helps with staying cool. What have we been up to this week? Amanda started grad school! Her first week was spent with a day of orientation, two days of classes and two days of observation in the operating room. There are twelve students in the program, and it sounds like she is having a blast. Next...

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