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Relaxing into the rhythm

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Moving a little later than usual, guess that's what I get for not having the alarm set. Yes I know it's the weekend and I do sleep later than I do during the week but I enjoy the quiet time in the mornings. We each only have so much time, why would I want to spend it by myself asleep in bed? School is done for the girls for the semester! Even with the altered environments for each of them it looks like things went well. Then again Serra has not been challenged in her classes at all this year. Not because of doing things at home but due to her participation in Science Olympiad...

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Pin, Inkle, and Stitching, Oh My!

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! It's looking like a winter wonderland outside my window today. About time considering December is half over now. What I didn't expect with it was the super cold temperature! Made it hard to get out of a snuggly bed this morning. What did we do this week? Amanda survived her last mornings of 6 am lectures and now gets to prepare for two finals. Serra has an essay to write today, as per usual she's left it until the last moment. I think they are both ready for a couple of weeks of sleeping in and being lazy. As for craft many different things this week! First the Jan/Feb edition of Handwoven made its...

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Things happen for a reason

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! I wonder if the sun was partying on the other side of the world last night as he's a little slow making his appearance. It does make for a soft pastel sunrise which is a great change from the apocalyptic skies we had most of the summer.  So what happened this week? I finished my project for the Masks fundraiser for the Fort Collins MoA. The rainbow silk worked mostly how I wanted it to and I hope that someone out there likes it. Opening weekend isn't until April but here is a sneak peek. The Masks project is the major fundraiser for the museum every year so hopefully this will help and will be extra...

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Keep Rollin'

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! The sun is shining bright in my little corner of the Fort even though the temperature does not agree. Colder weather is starting to set in overnight and makes you reach for that extra blanket and the snooze button. So what did we do this week? A lot of it was spent catching up with the East Coast kid. Amanda made it back to CO Saturday evening. I've gotten to hear how there's no Mexican food in NY and how college kids are simply oversized toddlers. Working across time zones has its own quirks. If you thought 8 am classes were bad in college try 6 am for Physics and Chemistry! Thankfully she's only got...

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Writer's block

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! There's a definite chill in the air today signaling that winter is on its way. Didn't get the weather the forecasters thought we would this weekend which I'm glad of but you can tell that it is turning. So! What did we do this last week? Have to admit to a bit of writer's block this morning because it was a very quiet week. Rapunzel is threaded and work has begun both on the loom and mentally for the Masks project. A lot of times with projects like this I think through it as much as I can before taking up any action. So many times when I would compete at the Grand National Wedding...

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