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Finally Graduation!

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! It's cloudy and cooler in my little corner of the Fort so far today. I would love it if it would stay that way!  So what did we do this past week? I got the Knitcrate project finished and written up. Once I figured out the shaping it was a breeze and worked up in one day. It will be a part of one of their September boxes and go off in the mail tomorrow. I'm still knitting on my next self publish knitting pattern that will be here soon. I always forget how long knitted on edges take. It's only 16-20 stitches per row but then again there are a lot of rows. We...

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A bit of fun and taking a breath

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Beginning to think that I should have stayed up when I woke at 430 as I was more awake then than I am now.  What's been happening this week? I've gotten started on a crochet project for Knitcrate. It should go fairly fast which is a good thing considering it's due at the end of the month. I will have two patterns out with them this fall. The girls are the ones that wrecked my sleep schedule by talking me into going to the drive-in on Wednesday night but really who could pass up a double feature of The Empire Strikes Back and Spaceballs? Even though we didn't get home until 2 am it was...

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In the blink of an eye

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! It's seems that no matter how much mentally I would love to sleep in on the weekends my body always has other plans. I guess waking up at 530 am every day isn't that bad of a thing though. It gives me more time to do things and the temperature is cooler. What did we do this week? I woke up this morning and realized that it was kind of a weird one in that it disappeared in the blink of an eye. At least for me it did, I'm sure the girls would disagree.  My contributor's copy of PieceWork arrived yesterday and I got to see all of the goodies inside. The issue is...

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A treat, a new idea and an issue!

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! A little later than usual this morning as I finally got some decent sleep last night. A lot of times I go to bed on Saturday night thinking "what on earth am I going to talk about tomorrow?" but then wake up with several ideas. This week saw a bit of a craft splurge as I ordered some yarn for a new pattern, some more bobbins for lace and the big prize spindles from John Galen. I fell down a rabbit hole on Facebook a few weeks ago and found the group Support Spindles Anonymous. They are a super group of enablers and positive people. I purchased one spindle back in May and love it...

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Something a little different

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Or really what I should be saying is: We're back! It seems that June appears to be our time of travel. Last year we made our college visits out to Chicago and New York. This time around it wasn't quite as exotic but was still a good trip. A bit of history. In 2013, Daddy had a heart attack and spent a week in ICU recovering and having a pacemaker installed. The batteries in pacemakers at that time would last approximately 7-10 years. Well at Daddy's last checkup the readings said that his was getting low and it needed to be changed. The girls and I loaded up and headed over the hill to visit...

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