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Endings and beginnings

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! It's cool and overcast in my little corner of the Fort so far today, a blessing considering that I'm not ready for the heat of summer yet. Things are getting green and the complex is getting a new look as they will be painting our building next week as part of the continuing recovery from last summer's hailstorm. This last week in craft I finished both the Handwoven piece and the Knitcrate box pieces. Those will get blocked, written up and sent out on Tuesday as the mail gets the holiday tomorrow. My next self publish pattern is written and is currently also in the blocking pile. It uses two skeins of Juliespins. You can...

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Happy craft and good news!

Good morning and happy Sunday everyone! I hope that you had a great week and get to have some quiet time today before jumping into Monday again. We had a good week with jumping into band camps and getting some work done. So what did I do this week while the girls played music, got sunburnt and made sore muscles? I have a new idea that I'm going to try influenced by the dye course I took with Peggy Doney at the Estes Wool Market that I talked about here. To do this I wanted a smaller yarn swift to measure on. Off to Etsy I went and found Hornshaw Wood Works and this absolutely gorgeous yarn swift. It's made...

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