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Something a little different

Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Or really what I should be saying is: We're back! It seems that June appears to be our time of travel. Last year we made our college visits out to Chicago and New York. This time around it wasn't quite as exotic but was still a good trip. A bit of history. In 2013, Daddy had a heart attack and spent a week in ICU recovering and having a pacemaker installed. The batteries in pacemakers at that time would last approximately 7-10 years. Well at Daddy's last checkup the readings said that his was getting low and it needed to be changed. The girls and I loaded up and headed over the hill to visit...

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The eerie silence and finishing projects

Good Morning and Happy Sunday everyone! We have survived the first week of school and routine is coming back. Granted we're still not very excited about the later start times for high school but I guess we have to roll with it.  What did I do last week with the neighborhood eerily silent with all the kids back in school? New yarn colors are done! They are posted in the shop under each of their bases, Hope, Faith, Promise and Trust. Also the knots came up on the looms! I tend to get excited when I see the knots because it means the project is almost done. Most times it also makes me weave faster! The black silk did get...

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The dog days of craft

Good morning and happy Sunday Internetland! It's quiet and a bit grey here in my corner of the Fort but I rather like it after the heat this month. Tuesday is the day! Routine returns even though it's roughly an hour later each day than last year. I think the girls are ready to be back into doing things again. There's only so much mom time and laziness that they can handle ;) So what did I do this last week? Actually it was rather productive. More mug rugs in different colors on Flynn and Rapunzel has been working away. I love the feel of silk both on and off the loom. These are test pieces for what I hope...

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Color inspiration and good-bye summer

Good morning and Happy Sunday Internetland! It's that time of week again where I give you an update on all things crafty and not so crafty in my little corner of the Fort. This past week has seen a lot of heavy lifting and some news for some upcoming projects. The girls asked before our college visit tour if they could makeover their bedroom. After a week of a mass multitude of color swatches on the walls they narrowed it down to a pale sky blue. Monday was prep and clean, Tuesday paint and Wednesday move back in. Have to say that the crazy high temps this week certainly made it dry fast! They are very happy with the results...

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