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Color inspiration and good-bye summer

Good morning and Happy Sunday Internetland! It's that time of week again where I give you an update on all things crafty and not so crafty in my little corner of the Fort. This past week has seen a lot of heavy lifting and some news for some upcoming projects. The girls asked before our college visit tour if they could makeover their bedroom. After a week of a mass multitude of color swatches on the walls they narrowed it down to a pale sky blue. Monday was prep and clean, Tuesday paint and Wednesday move back in. Have to say that the crazy high temps this week certainly made it dry fast! They are very happy with the results...

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Finally some craft bits and rolling with the punches

Good morning and Happy Sunday yet again Internetland! It might be my misperception but this last week flew by really quick. So what did I do with it? Monday saw me finishing up my publish piece! It will be out in the February 2020 issue of Just Cross Stitch magazine. This is my second piece for them, the first will be in the Christmas Ornament Issue that will be out this fall. I used Treenway Silks Harmony 6-strand floss for both projects and will post links to both as soon as they are available. Treated myself with some new tatting shuttles this summer. Most times I limit myself to two a year from David Reed Smith but his work is...

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Not quite the holiday week we were expecting

Happy Sunday everyone! It's the last day of the long holiday weekend and I'm sure like me, everyone is ready to get back into the swing of things ;) Actually I know better! Our holiday week went a bit different than expected. We had an impromptu visit from Daddy after he ran after from home last week and played with friends in SE Colorado. I'm very glad that he got out to have fun rather than just sit at home even with the crispy sunburn he had. The girls absolutely love Stranger Things and unless you live under a rock you're aware that the latest season was released on July 4th. They decided to turn it into a watch party...

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We're Back!!!

Good morning Internetland! A little late today as I think I'm finally over my jetlag from the previous week. Our first stop: Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois I had no idea when I booked the trip that it was graduation weekend. We saw lots of purple caps and gowns and helped a family take photos with their graduate. We can't stop in Chicago without a visit to: Wrigley Field! We chose to go when another team that we follow would be in town also. Cub fan Amanda was not happy with the outcome but it was a really good game between the two clubs. Next stop on the hit parade: Albany, NY We spent a day driving around sight seeing....

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Time out to Celebrate

Good Morning Internetland! Things are off to a slow start this morning with sleeping in and Daddy heading home. Thankfully the girls are each in good moods and getting excited for the week ahead. As for the week that was! I'd like to say that I got a lot of craft done but that was not the case. Instead we did some celebrating: Our annual trip to Coors Field to see the Chicago Cubs take on the Rockies. Amanda was not pleased with the final score but we always have a great time. Thankfully Serra did not eat too much sugar and this was Daddy's first ever trip to the ballpark. I think we overloaded him a bit with baseball...

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