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A cold, snowy morning in Colorado....It must be March

Good morning Internetland! The girls and I tucked in tight yesterday as the glitter snow started sometime after midnight early Saturday morning. Yes there are different ways to classify snow in Colorado. Glitter snow is super fine, sparkles and takes a long time to build up. Even though it lasted all day and into the night last night we only have about six inches in our corner of the Fort.  What a roller coaster of a week it was! I attended some of the events of the Fort Collins Start Up Week. The big one being the Arts and Crafts Swap at the Carnegie Center for Creativity hosted by Arts & Found. It was great to clear out some of...

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Sunday, better known as break time

Good Morning! It's Sunday again, time for a day of resting, some music and conversation with you! It's always good to have a day at home to either recover from the week that was or to prepare for things to come and today is a bit of both. I'm happy to say that my two February yarns are now available! Each color has been dyed on each of the four bases that I carry. Becoming Spring is a bright happy yellow with a some spring green added to it. Farewell Wintergreen is a dark green with grey and blue undertones. There are only 6 skeins of each color per base available so I hope that you take a peek. If you are looking...

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Past influences on the present

Good morning! It's another quiet Sunday morning with the sun shining in the Fort and the girls enjoying their sleep. All the sun this time of year makes me wonder just how wet March is going to be. I have a feeling Spring Break is going to be messy. Lately I've seen how much my past has influenced parts of my present. Looking in my closet the other day I had completely forgotten about a handwoven cloak that I purchased many years ago at the Colorado Renaissance Festival. So what am I doing now? Weaving and even using a technique that is in the cloak of all things. As for lace, I have a piece hanging on my wall that...

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Breathing and a peek into a project

Good morning! Last week saw some extremely cold temperatures here in the Fort along with an extreme lack of sleep for myself. Sleep is sometimes a struggle for me, possibly a hold over from working nights cake decorating and taking care of Amanda during the day just after she was born. I was severely sleep deprived for a year and a half so not getting good rest now hurts more. Of course when you don't get proper rest or take care of yourself everything is hypersensitive. To keep myself from overreacting to normal life I did a lot of deep breathing and kept a portion of Desiderata in my head. Didn't realize that I grew up with the poem. When...

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The Big Game

Everyone know what today is....The Big Game. Even my lovely friend Rebekah who I confound with sports knows what is happening today, although I admit to confusing her with the teams. Everyone in the country save the New England area and possibly a few in Michigan will be cheering for the Rams today. What you don't know is that I have dealt with the winning ways of the Patriots on a personal level. Not only am I a Steelers fan my best friend is a Patriots fan. Big Ben and Tommy Terrific play just about every year and even though my boys didn't make the playoffs this year they can take credit for one of the Pats losses during the...

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